Contemporary demographic changes sometimes cause phenomena which are not entirely justified. As the times keep changing, people’s priorities, values and mentality change as well. That is how, with these changes in the background, an image of an old man – a clumsy, weak and useless person has become dominant in the European culture for some time now.
Contrary to the times of the oldest literature, when old age was considered to be the period of greatest wisdom, experience and nobility, nowadays the old age is perceived as the last stage of the human journey, burdened with illness, disability or loss of the senses. It constitutes a clear contrast to the period of youth. As it is the youth that is considered to be the only and unique value for every person. Only the period of youth is the carefree time of joy, vitality and energy which together make up the meaning of life.
Since the dawn of time, mankind has been afraid of the inexorable passage of time, the unescapable old age. People regret the past youth which they could influence and which happened only once. Even a few centuries ago, older generations enjoyed their own numerous privileges. General public treated them decently with great dignity. Respect was an indispensable element owed to the old age. Societies followed the elderly people’s rules, they acted according to their advice, instructions and they never questioned their wisdom and life experience. The world functioned in accordance with the values of the elders treated with almost religious reverence. However, over time, the values have been lost. The image of an old wise man or prophet whose predictions often were accurate and very useful in everyday life has been overthrown. Such attention has no longer been paid to older people: their needs and requirements. It has turned out now that it is just a small part of the society that remembers about the ancient honourable seniors that used to have such great authority. Today, the memory of them has been replaced with expressions of shame and reluctance associated with old age. This phenomenon is mainly noticed among young people and working age population.
The real values of today’s men keep changing like the world changes. Elderly persons, as already unproductive, sometimes become a burden to their children or grandchildren as well as to the society. Apart from the fact of the necessity to place elderly people in nursing centres, the phenomenon of these centres being “fully occupied” increases year after year. Replacement care is sought in such cases in return for a monthly remuneration. This favours establishment of new nursing homes and their standards leave nothing to be desired. However, younger generations’ mentality has started to change. Fast pace of life, pursuit of convenience and selfishness make them lose the most important in life – intimacy, warmth and comfort of home. Lack of the sense of duty to show respect to the elderly can be seen while travelling by any means of public transport. Private nursing homes being established now become the bedrock for a large number of elderly people who can find peace, warmth and happiness there.
The market of nursing institutions in Poland has been developing very fast. This is a sign of great demand for activities of this type and the aging society can decently spend the autumn of one’s life in this way, having professional care ensured as well as the feeling that one is not a burden but a needed piece of mankind in general.